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How To Tell If Your Bronx Home Has A Bed Bug Problem� Feb. 15th 2021

BlogHow To Tell If Your Bronx Home Has A Bed Bug ProblemAny number of things could be biting you during the night. Is it a flea? Is it a mite? Or it is the worst possible scenario: a bed bug? Bed bugs can sometimes be difficult to identify, especially due to their small sizes and nondescript forms.

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How To Tell If Your Bronx Home Has A Bed Bug Problem

Any number of things could be biting you during the night. Is it a flea? Is it a mite? Or it is the worst possible scenario: a bed bug? Bed bugs can sometimes be difficult to identify, especially due to their small sizes and nondescript forms.

These bugs appear flat and oval-like in appearance, with tan to rust-brown colors all over their exoskeletons. They are about � an inch in size, which means they can be seen by the naked eye, but are quite easy to overlook.


What's worse, these creatures are nocturnal by nature and rise to feed on human prey only once we are fast asleep. Finding bed bug bites along your arms, legs, and back is often the first sign that a problem is developing in the home. Unless you act quickly, the situation is likely to get much worse much sooner than you think.

The Visual Signs Of Bed Bug Infestations

Regardless of how comfortable you may feel in your home, a bed bug infestation could be accumulating right under your mattress. With some insight and a little extra attention, bed bug problems can be spotted and mitigated before they grow to dangerous levels. Some of the more visual signs of bed bug infestations are:

  • Bed bugs leave quite a few stains on the objects they infest, including beds, bedsheets, couches, and sleepwear. Their initial skin punctures leave blood spatter on surfaces and stain bed sheets with a dark red stain. The excrement of these bugs is another common stain, much darker in color and with a raised texture.
  • Not just confined to sleeping quarters, bed bugs are found in many other places apart from beds and pillowcases. These creatures can be found crawling along rugs, bookshelves, and even electrical outlets.
  • Some people register a slightly musky or sweet odor to accompany severe bed bug infestations. These scents may be stronger or weaker depending on a number of factors. Of course, the most reliable method of determining if the scent is really a bed bug infestation will require professional inspection with a K9 unit.

The visual signs of bed bugs are quite plain, but oftentimes confusing to homeowners with fewer experiences with household infestations. Should bed bugs be on your mind this spring, give yourself the peace you deserve with a bed bug inspection through Hello Pest Control.

Wave Farewell To Bed Bugs And Say Hi To Hello Pest Control

Bed bugs are complete tyrants in the home: they eat, sleep, and live right under your very nose. These parasitic creatures feed off your hard work in droves, and won't be done until there's nothing left to pillage.

If you do spot any visual signs of bed bug activity in the home, do not try and develop a home DIY (do it yourself) plan on your own. Push your fears aside and look on the bright side with Hello Pest Control, your local Bronx expert on bed bugs, pest elimination, and beyond. Our team is incredibly passionate about helping clients all over New York, delivering high quality, competent, and safe treatments for bugs at any infestation level.

We offer two outstanding service plans for Bronx homeowners: The Hello Pest Annual Plan and the Annual Plan PLUS. Specialty bed bug treatments are available to anyone needing professional services.

Get a head start on your bed bug elimination process with the helpful folks at Hello Pest Control by calling, visiting, or submitting a contact form to us today. We're standing by to get in gear alongside you, removing bed bug vectors from your home, bed, and lifestyle. No matter what your situation looks like, Hello Pest Control can help - guaranteed!

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