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How Do I Keep Yellow Jackets Out Of My Bronx Yard? Aug. 14th 2020

BlogHow Do I Keep Yellow Jackets Out Of My Bronx Yard?There are several species of yellow jackets found throughout the United States. Regardless of the species, this is one stinging insect you do not want hanging around in your yard. All yellow jackets share the same general traits. They have a black and yellow face and head and patterned abdomen.

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How Do I Keep Yellow Jackets Out Of My Bronx Yard?

There are several species of yellow jackets found throughout the United States. Regardless of the species, this is one stinging insect you do not want hanging around in your yard. All yellow jackets share the same general traits. They have a black and yellow face and head and patterned abdomen.

Workers range in length from ?-? of an inch long, with a wasp-like shape, six legs, and antennae. Yellow jackets' paper carton nests are made of chewed-up cellulose and are built both above and below ground.

Underground nests have small entry holes that can be hard to see. Above-ground nests are easier to spot and are often found in attics or wall voids or under eaves.


Yellow Jackets Pros And Cons

As with anything, there are advantages and drawbacks to yellow jackets. The two primary benefits have to do with the role these insects play in the environment. Yellow jackets serve as pollinators, playing an important part in a healthy ecosystem. They also perform a valuable service when they feed on many of the pest insects that attack us and our plants.

But these benefits do not outweigh the risks. Yellow jacket stings pose significant health threats to humans. These insects are extremely territorial and sting when threatened. What's worse is that they can sting repeatedly and may cause severe allergic reactions. Yellow jackets and other stinging insects send over 500,000 people to the emergency room each year.

Perhaps the most intimidating feature of yellow jackets is that when they are injured, they release an alarm pheromone that results in rapid and aggressive defensive behavior from other members of the colony. With colonies housing as many as 4,000 workers, it is no wonder that professional pest control is recommended when dealing with these pests.

Lessen Your Yellow Jacket Curb Appeal

No one wants a yellow jacket infestation cropping up on their honey-do list. The best way to avoid this task is to take preventative steps to ensure yellow jackets don't decide to make your house their home.

Yellow jackets are highly attracted to sweets and proteins which is why they so often are found invading outdoor events. To limit these attractions it's important to do the following:

  • Keep food items - especially sweet-smelling things like soft drinks and fruits - covered when outside.
  • Remove garbage frequently and keep trash cans covered with tight-fitting lids.
  • Pick fruit as it ripens and dispose of rotten fruits.
  • Avoid wearing sweet-smelling perfumes.

There are also a handful of things you can do to prevent pests of all kinds. These tips will not only deter yellow jackets but also minimize the pests yellow jackets may be coming to feed on.

  • Eliminate excess water sources, make sure that gutters are clear and that containers stored upside down, and avoid overwatering garden areas.
  • Ensure all doors and windows have tight-fitting screens without rips or tears.
  • Reduce indoor and outdoor clutter and clear downed trees.
  • Cut shrubbery and tree branches away from entryways.

Safe Yellow Jacket Removal with Hello Pest Control

Whether or not you believe a nest is active, it can be dangerous to attempt to remove it. Because of their fierce and repeated stings, yellow jacket control requires specialized equipment and safety precautions.

At Hello Pest Control we can develop a customized pest control plan tailored to meet the needs of your property. With on-call and emergency services available and free estimates, you can't go wrong with Hello Pest Control. We even offer organic treatment options and can remove and relocate stinging pests in a safe, environmentally friendly way.

Call today to start enjoying your year, free from the worry of stinging yellow jackets.

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