What Attracts Rats to Your Property?
To ensure your home is protected from rats, secure your home by properly storing food and sealing the foundation. When a home isn’t adequately secured, rats can find easy access and contaminate the home.
What attracts rats:
Access to Food Sources
Rats will take any opportunity to eat unsecured food. Open garbage, pet food, and food containers are all feeding areas for rats and will draw them into homes.
Nesting Sites
Rats prefer to nest in dark, safe places, such as attics, wall cavities, basements, unused cars, and under large appliances. Because they stay hidden, an infestation may go unnoticed if other signs are not present.
Environmental Factors
Properties near dumpsters, with overgrown vegetation, or with abandoned vehicles offer ample food and shelter for rats. Urban areas are especially susceptible to rat infestations.
Gaps and Holes
Depending on age and size, rats can squeeze through holes as small as half an inch, allowing them entry to your home through gaps in the foundation.
Access to Food Sources
Rats will take any opportunity to eat unsecured food. Open garbage, pet food, and food containers are all feeding areas for rats and will draw them into homes.
Nesting Sites
Rats prefer to nest in dark, safe places, such as attics, wall cavities, basements, unused cars, and under large appliances. Because they stay hidden, an infestation may go unnoticed if other signs are not present.
Environmental Factors
Properties near dumpsters, with overgrown vegetation, or with abandoned vehicles offer ample food and shelter for rats. Urban areas are especially susceptible to rat infestations.
Gaps and Holes
Depending on age and size, rats can squeeze through holes as small as half an inch, allowing them entry to your home through gaps in the foundation.